Mother’s Day Event in Singapore– Terrarium Building with PCF Sparkletots!

Mother’s Day Event in Singapore– Terrarium Building with PCF Sparkletots!
Mother’s Day Event in Singapore– Terrarium Building with PCF Sparkletots!

This Mother’s Day, Epic Workshops had the opportunity to visit PCF Sparkletots to conduct a terrarium building workshops for a meaningful mother-child bonding session.

Mother’s Day Special – Terrarium Building

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | January, 2025
Upon our arrival, we were treated to a Mother’s Day Special performance by the students. We could feel that our participants were all in high spirits, the perfect atmosphere for us to conduct our session. We were tasked to facilitate the terrarium making workshop for 37 mother-child pairs, and we got straight to business.

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | January, 2025

After setting up the classroom, we began the session by teaching our participants how terrariums work. After our mini theory lesson, we began guiding them through the steps to make their terrariums. We urged the students to take charge in the making of the terrariums, as the final product was meant to be given to their mothers as a Mother’s Day present. However, later on, the children inevitably required some help from their mothers, which gave them an opportunity to work through the activity together. We could see that many were having fun together in the process 🙂

Decoration Time!

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | January, 2025

When it was decoration time, we instructed the students to decorate the terrariums according to their mother’s preferences. The classroom then erupted in a chorus of “Mummy, what is your favorite color?”. The children then scrambled to decorate their terrariums with the colored rocks and sand.

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | January, 2025

We then wrapped up the session teaching them how to maintain their terrariums. We also got the students to personally give the terrariums to their mothers. “Mummy, happy Mother’s Day!” could be heard throughout the classroom. This led to many heart warming hugs and kisses. Many also whipped out their phones to take selfies together with their finished products.| Epic Workshops, Singapore | January, 2025

Although the session was a pretty chaotic one with lots of cleaning up to be done (soil was spilt everywhere :(), it was also one filled with laughter. It was also really satisfying hearing about how our participants throughly enjoyed the terrarium building activity. We hope that we’ll have the opportunity to visit them again!

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | January, 2025

And that’s a wrap for now! Epic Workshops wishes all mothers a Happy belated Mother’s Day!

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