Best Terrarium Workshop in Singapore #1 Choice

The perfect team bonding activity! Choose from a variety of workshops: Classic Terrarium, Egg Terrarium and Airplant Terrarium

Facts About Terrariums - At A Glance

  • Terrariums was first discovered by botanist  Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward in 1842.
  • Terrariums can last as long as 60 years
  • Terrariums are also known as glass gardens, wardian case and vivarium
  • There are 2 types of terrariums – closed and open.
  • Common plant used for terrarium making are fittonia plants as they thrive well in humid and harsh conditions, makes them suitable for closed terrariums
Terrarium Workshop in Singapore

#1 Best Terrarium Team Building Workshops ― An easy, therapeutic & fun experience making your own mini garden in a bottle!

Glass garden, wardian case, and vivarium are all the names alternatively used for Terrariums throughout the world.

A small garden closed in a glass container, representing the true beauty of mother nature and earth, Terrariums are one of the best and low-maintenance plants to have in your house.

Although a pretty simple and straightforward terrarium team building in Singapore, the process of making a terrarium requires patience, consistency, dedication, and most necessarily ‘love’.

Terrarium team building in Singapore serves different aims ― some people use it as a decoration piece, some for scientific and knowledge procedures, while others pour all their care and love for the mere sake of staying close to nature.

Terrarium Making as a Therapy ― Perfect Stress Buster!

Group Size

Min 5 To Unlimited


1-1.5 Hours

Convenient Location

Take Exit B from Marymount MRT and walk towards MAPEX building. Proceed to the third floor via the lift and exit through 2 doors on the right to the carpark. We are located right at the end!

Professional Trainers

Each trainer will be assigned to a few participants to ensure that full guidance is provided.

Ideal For

  • Children
  • Team Building
  • Learning about Greenery
  • Work together as a team

Terrarium Workshop Details

Relieve your stress, and bond with your colleagues over a step-by-step, easy to follow Terrarium making class. Make your very own Terrarium from scratch (together with your colleagues, friends or family members), guided by our expert facilitators.

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | February, 2025

Why Choose Us

  • Well-known name in Singapore and loved by 1200+ organizations
  • Worked with more than 860,000 participants
  • More than a dozen of engaging team bonding games
  • Many medium and small businesses in Singapore rely on us
  • We have served many multinational companies
  • Served multiple Singaporean authorities
  • We offer a large variety of inventory
  • You can always find what you’re looking for
  • We’re experts in our field and we love helping our customers
  • We’re local experts and we’re happy to answer any questions you might have
  • Our prices are unbeatable and our deals change often

Our process is simple and transparent.


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We help custom tailor your activities to fit your team culture and your intended outcome.


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We handle all of the event details, coordinating between you, the venue, your facilitator.


It’s your event too. Leave everything to us.

On the big day, all you have to do is show up. We will coordinate everything. (But you still get to be the hero.)

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Why choose our Terrarium in Singapore?

EPIC Workshops is Singapore’s Leading Craft Team Building Workshops Provider

Benefits of Terrarium

Terrarium workshops as team building activities serve different aims ― some people use it as a decoration piece, some for scientific and knowledge procedures, while others pour all their care and love for the mere sake of staying close to nature.

Terrarium Team Building Workshop - Great for All Levels of Gardening Experience
One of the many benefits of a terrarium is that it can be configured to suit any level of gardening experience. They are not just limited to people who have had years of experience with gardening. Anyone who is looking for a quicker result can take advantage of the accelerated growth that occurs in terrariums. People who have more time available can create a larger and more complex terrarium with multiple layers and more demanding plants. No matter the type of experience you bring to the table, terrariums can be modified to suit your individual needs and abilities.
Terrarium Team Building Workshop - Creative Projects
A lot of people also enjoy terrariums because they provide a really creative project that lets you express your artistic side while experimenting with water, soil, and plant life. The types of terrariums that people make can vary widely. You can create a small potted plant that sits alone, or you can create a highly decorative and complex garden with many different types of plants and mosses inside. The sky’s the limit as long as you know how to care for the plants inside. Once you have all of your supplies in place, the next step is to add soil. This is actually a very important part of terrariums because it provides the substrate for the plants and allows them to grow. You’ll need about 2-3 inches if you want your plants to be happy and healthy. Be sure that there isn’t anything in the soil that is going to be an issue for your plants; rocks, chips of bark, and small bits of broken pottery all need to stay out. Once you’ve added the soil, it’s time to plant! You’ll want to add your young plants first and then fill them in with some mosses and lichens. Be sure you don’t overcrowd the plants, as they need room to breathe and grow.
Terrarium Team Building Workshop - Small Footprint
Another thing to consider about making a terrarium is that it’s quite low maintenance, so it’s a great option for someone who doesn’t have much experience taking care of plants. Because the plant is in such a small space, it doesn’t require that much water or nutrients to remain healthy. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the size of the terrarium and how large it will appear when placed on a table or countertop. For instance, if you make a tall and narrow piece with only a few large plants, it will look out of proportion to the space that it’s in. On the other hand, if you use a wide but shallow container with many small plants and rocks, the terrarium will appear more balanced.

What you can achieve from our terrarium team building workshop

At Epic WorkshopsTerrarium Making Workshop, We hope that everyone can understand how a terrarium works and play a part in making Earth a greener place. Hopefully, our session can inspire more people to get their green fingers working and make our world a more beautiful place to live in!

Terrarium Workshop in Singapore
Why choose our Classic Terrarium Workshops in Singapore?

EPIC Workshops is Singapore’s Leading Craft Team Building Workshops Provider

Most Popular Types of Terrarium Workshops in Singapore

Bond with your colleagues, family and friends  over a fun afternoon of designing your own terrariums!  Add a  little greenery to your workspace when you sign up for our DIY terrarium workshop in Singapore.

Aside from being able to design your own mini garden in a jar, our cheap terrarium making workshops in Singapore are also a great way of bringing people together. Furthermore, a terrarium is known to have numerous health benefits – including relieving stress, purifying the air and also sharpening your mental focus!

More importantly, we offer our unique terrarium workshop in Singapore at a reasonable price! Rest assured that you will be able to enjoy some fun bonding time without exceeding  the budget.


Terrarium Workshop in Singapore; A Corporate Team Building Initiative!

Creativity improves your mood, increases your self-esteem, and improves cognitive function. It plays a momentous role in your social life and alleviates stress and anxiety. Creativity promotes thinking and boosts your problem-solving ability. It gives you a sense of purpose and promotes risk-taking and iteration and is a prerequisite for innovation. Creativity allows you to enter your happy zone and have fun. You can express yourself with the help of creativity. It can lead to feelings of accomplishment and pride and link you to others with the same passion. Moreover, imagination enables us to be lifelong students.

At times, your level of enthusiasm and creativity fluctuates and you feel exhausted. Then have you ever thought that your creativity is dying. Have you ever felt that you are no longer interested in your life? When you are feeling depressed or when you feel annoyed all the time, it’s time to add a bit of color to your life. A hobby might boost your creativity and enhance your skills. It not only helps one in building up one’s character but also helps one to improve their creativity. As it is well said, “A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.” You can choose whatever you want to do for your pastime. Hobby keeps your mind from evil thoughts and ideas. As it is also a very common saying, “an empty mind is a devil’s workshop.” If you are unable to control yourself from thinking odd and irrational thoughts, a hobby can help you in this regard. Furthermore, when you face any kind of mental disorder, a hobby might be very efficient for you. A hobby keeps your creativity alive. Hence, it helps you avoid getting stressed out. If you are facing stress and anxiety and are unaware of the charm of hobbies, you should go through hobbies very quickly.

Now that you know how hobbies play an important role in the lives of people facing problems related to the mind, you are presumably wondering which is the most suitable hobby for me. What should I choose to boost my creativity and improve my skills? What is the need for an hour for me? there are thousands of hobbies to choose from nowadays. You don’t need to be certain about this approach. All you need to do here is just go with the flow! You can choose whatever you like. Decide what fits your personality and what is more likely to suit your taste.

Recreational & Affordable Terrarium Team Building workshops by Epic workshops!

In this regard, hundreds of institutes offer various recreational activities. Institutes like EPIC workshops offers a variety of workshops. For example, workshops on terrarium team building in Singapore, candle-making workshops, art jamming workshops, leather crafting workshops, tile painting workshops, calligraphy workshops, tote bag painting, and clay art workshops. Moreover, coaster-making workshops, resin workshops, stamp-making workshops, music jamming workshops, and soap-making workshops are more prevalent in these institutes.

These institutes offer a variety of workshops in this respect to offer creative work to their clients. Never heard of a workshop before! A workshop, in general, is a gathering of people with interests, expertise, or professions in a particular field cooperating to make a day more creative. These workshops build up one’s social life and activities. Moreover, when one attends a workshop, his recreation hits a new level. These workshops offer new ways of thinking. They motivate you to work. As they include inclusive team building activities os these workshops develop sweet relationships.

Exploring Terrarium Team Building workshops in Singapore!

One of the most typical kinds of workshops is called a terrarium designing studio. Now, What are terrariums? Terrariums are miniature planets to grow plant ecosystems. Terrariums are usually grown in transparent jars, such as glass containers. Terrarium in Singapore is a fantastic addition to your homes and workplaces in the busy metropolis. They provide you with usually monotonous surroundings with a dash of greenery, which makes you feel more at ease and relaxed. Even if you don’t have green fingers, a terrarium is a fantastic beginner plant for you if you want to start a passion for collecting plants!

Considering the worth of the terrarium building, Epic workshops arranges a series of classes for every person. People from all walks of life and from any age group can join these classes. In each terrarium workshop, experienced professionals teach how to make beautiful and unique terrariums. Hence, by creating terrariums, not only do you enhance your creativity to appease yourself but also you give a great touch of decor to your home.

Another astonishing fact about terrarium making at Epic workshop is that anyone can try this activity. Whether someone is a skilled person or a beginner, he/she can give it a try at any skill level. So do not be reluctant and do join this amazing activity right now at Epic Workshops.

Types of terrariums!

There are normally two types of terrariums: one is called “enclosed terrariums” and the other is called “open terrariums.” Epic’s terrarium workshop in Singapore offers a variety of glass containers to choose from, including our popular Classic closed terrariums and our Angled open terrariums. For any of EPIC’s workshops Terrarium Team Building in Singapore! Our beginner-friendly workshop is guided by knowledgeable facilitators who will guide you through the construction of your terrarium step-by-step. Not only would it be a rewarding and enlightening experience for you, but after the session, you get to retain your very own custom-made terrarium.

Some instructions for DIY terrarium team building!

For beginners, it is important to remove any terrarium plant that appears to be sick, dead, or not doing well very away since its issues might spread to other plants. Using a spray bottle in place of a watering can is one approach to avoid overwatering. If you do overwater, use a paper towel to absorb the excess water. Until your terrarium has dried out, leave the top off.

You also need rocks to improve the beauty of your terrariums to give them a more realistic look. You can also use moose and ferns to make it more original. Ferns and mosses give these terrariums a more lifelike impression. You need soil to grow your plants. Without soil, you can never grow plants, and you can never make a life-like terrarium. As this is the primary growing medium, In this regard, it is always recommended to use the best soil for your terrarium plants. You need to be careful in choosing the best soil.

Despite the truth that a wide variety of plants may be cultivated in a terrarium, it is most suitable to pick those species that are naturally small, slow-growing, and tolerant of high humidity. Also be careful to opt for plants that are tolerant of the low to medium amount of sunlight where the terrarium will be put. To provide the most visual appeal, pick plants with a range of hues and textures, or greens of different tones. Moreover, due to the intense humidity, cacti and succulents are not right to grow in terrariums. Therefore, a dish garden might be a more suitable option for these plants.

Another main thing that might pop up in your head might be how much you should water your terrarium plant. Terrariums that are enclosed need to be watered once a month with 8 full sprays and 5–6 tablespoons of water per watering. Every two weeks, semi-enclosed terrariums like the Egg terrarium can be watered. Before each watering session, make sure the terrarium has been exposed to air for three days to allow the stagnant water to evaporate. This aids in limiting the spread of mold.

Another important point is that placing the terrarium in a window’s strong light is ideal. Yet direct sunlight should be avoided since it will rapidly cause it to overheat. The terrarium may need a few weeks to develop a “rain cycle.” The walls of the terrarium frequently fog for the first several days. To release extra humidity, it might be required to slightly open the top or momentarily remove the terrarium’s lid. Once the moisture has evaporated, the lid should be replaced. Careful water control in the terrarium produces the rain cycle. Water will eventually condense into a thin film. Then it drips back down the sides into the potting media rather than generating a fine fog on the inner surface of the terrarium. The terrarium will seldom need more water after it is established.

Also, keep fertility low to prevent the plants from outgrowing the terrarium. Use a fertilizer intended for indoor plants half as frequently and at half the recommended rate. Apply “12 teaspoons per gallon once a month” if the fertilizer label instructs “1 teaspoon per gallon applied twice per month.” Increase the rate or apply more often if signs of nutrient insufficiency (such as chlorotic leaves) emerge.

The majority of terrarium-friendly plants don’t need very strong light. Terrarium glass can function as a magnifier and burn plants exposed to direct sunlight or other intense light. The majority of terrarium plants won’t thrive if you position your tank next to, or on top of, a radiator or other heat source. If you decide to use plants in your terrarium then it matters which plant you choose. Additionally, be careful to pair plants with the proper amount of light. Typically, low-light plants do best. Clean the glass of your terrarium occasionally, both inside and out. It will be challenging for light to reach your plants if the glass is too filthy or cloudy.

Moreover, it is always advised to avoid placing your terrarium near heat sources like an oven or computer. You should light your terrarium with indirect sunlight or artificial indoor lighting. Also, Avoid putting your terrarium in full sunlight because it acts like a greenhouse, and heat is readily entrapped there, potentially cooking your plants. Following these tips can help you do better for your terrariums. For more information and learning join terrarium team building classes by Epic Workshops.

Enrol yourself in Terrarium Team Building Workshops

Why choose EPIC Workshops for your terrarium team building session? At Epic Workshops, our trainers will provide you with all the basic knowledge that you need to start, even if you are a beginner! The terrarium team building sessions typically starts off with a simple presentation on what a terrarium is, and the types of terrariums that are available. Ever wondered how a plant is able to self-sustain in an enclosed glass jar? At Epic Workshops, our trainers add value by educating participants on the science behind terrariums before embarking on a therapeutic hands-on session of creating your own terrarium. Epic Workshops prides itself in being the best terrarium workshop provider in Singapore – being able to customize our programmes to fit our clients needs, offering various modes of conduct (face-to-face in our studio) or via video conferencing platforms (if you and your colleagues are still working remotely) or even hybrid – combining the two modes of conduct together. All of our trainers are trained in-house to ensure that you have the best experience in our workshop.

Why is terrarium team building workshop in Singapore is useful?

Terrariums in Singapore could also serve as a means of reducing stress. Making terrariums is relaxing and teaches patience. Additionally, the participants will learn how to take care of and maintain their terrariums. Participants will also comprehend how crucial it is to exercise responsibility to maintain the terrarium’s health!

Making terrariums can enhance collaboration. It provides an environment for team bonding and encourages teamwork. For a better learning experience, each participant may construct their terrarium and write a report describing it, or they may collaborate to create a terrarium of their choosing during the terrarium team building workshop. Since this is a group project, each participant will be charged with taking care of the plant by providing care and water. The concluded item can then be displayed in a public space as a memento of their collaborative teamwork.

In short, the terrarium team building workshop is a significant source of knowledge as well. It teaches participants about different species of plants and taking care of them. Lastly, a terrarium team building workshop in Singapore is a nice opportunity for people to bond with others in a friendly environment while creating something unique, lovely, and appreciable. As this is an amazing activity so do not miss this great opportunity and do join us today at Epic Workshops for terrarium team building workshop. We are sure it would be the best terrarium team building workshop you’ve ever joined.

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