Workplace Goals in Singapore for the New Year – 2018!

Workplace Goals in Singapore for the New Year – 2018!
Workplace Goals in Singapore for the New Year – 2018!

As we’re approaching the year-end, some of us would use the time to reminisce memories and shared moments throughout the year. Some of us had a lovely 2017, while some….not so much. But we strongly believe that a new year calls for new beginnings.

And with new beginnings, let’s start afresh as we welcome 2018! Workplace goals in 2018 can be set in order to ensure that everyone is heading the same direction as the organization.

Here are some workplace goals from different organizations to help you kick start your planning!

  1. “Do something just for you every single day”

    | Epic Workshops, Singapore | February, 2025

While we’re all extremely busy at work, sometimes we can get a little too caught up with work happenings. While of course it’s important to work, we suggest that you work smart this year! Don’t get too burnt out and neglect your well-being.  Instead, take some time to care for yourself. Engage in a cool hobby with your friends, or join us for some craft workshops here at

  1. “Widen your contacts”

    | Epic Workshops, Singapore | February, 2025

Networking is part and parcel of business, no matter what business you are in, and we all know how important and convenient life would be if we had contacts! The next time you have to go for a business meeting, take this opportunity to reach out and get as many name cards instead of whining at your desk.

Workplace Goals 3:

“Get to know your colleagues better”

Workplace Goals - Colleagues

Even if you don’t work with them on a daily basis, it’s always nice to foster new friendships. Get to know your colleagues on a more personal level and take this opportunity to go for a team building session! Here at EPIC Workshops, consumer experience is key. We’ll try our best to make it fun. Trust us on this!

Workplace Goals 4: Get organized!

Workplace Goal - OrganisedWhen things get a little busy, it’s all a mess. Some of us in denial would call it an organized mess, in our defence. However, it’s always nice to get organized as we get rid of all the mental roadblocks and clutters that might get in the way of our productivity levels. So go get organized!

While the above states a few workplace goals, each organization is different in its own unique ways. See what fits, and do what you deem fit.

All the best & have an advanced Happy 2018! To engage us for corporate team building workshops, do visit us at!

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