Soap has many variants! Not just in terms of colour and scent, but their chemical composition. Some are moisturising, while others are drying. Handmade soap is more moisturising in nature, unlike commercial ones. In fact, some commercial ones are actually damaging and irritating for your skin! We, as consumers, are often oblivious to the fine print listing out ingredients. However, it is good to be aware of what you are using! Instead of using potentially (usually this is the case) harmful products on your skin, why not try making your own soap?
Here are our top reasons to use handmade soap!
All Natural Ingredients
No synthetic ingredients will be used! More importantly, during the soap making process, glycerin is produced as a by-product. Glycerin helps to trap moisture, softening the skin. It is known as a humectant. Let’s pause there. If glycerin is produced naturally, why isn’t it a main ingredient in most commercial soaps? That’s because soap manufacturers tend to remove it to use them in cosmetics/moisturisers and they replace glycerin with synthetic ingredients in soap. Besides being kind to your skin, glycerin is natural and environmentally friendly. This makes it far better for your skin’s health as compared to other alternatives!
Sensitive Skin
Furthermore, if you have the following conditions, natural soap with glycerin is recommended. Glycerin would help to drive moisture to the deeper layers, relieving the skin. It is a mild alternative (low pH) with anti-inflammatory effects.
- Acne
- Ezcema
- Rosacea
- Dry or combination (dry, oily) skin
Besides the health benefits stated, customisation is another plus point to soap crafting! Choose what kind of ingredients you would like to include into your soap. Oatmeal and honey? Easy. Lavender and honey? Sure. Shea butter and cinnamon? Earl grey and bergamot? Choose whatever you fancy!
If you feel convinced by the following reasons, drop by Epic Workshops for our handmade soap workshops!