How to Start Acrylic Pouring with Our Acrylic Pour Workshop? 

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Acrylic pouring, as the name suggests, is done by pouring an acrylic paint mixture onto a canvas to create some aesthetic artwork. Acrylic pouring is a form of abstract art that is quite easy to do. Epic Workshops conducts monthly workshops including Acrylic Pour Bear Workshop. You can attend our workshop to get started with acrylic pouring. In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know to get started with acrylic pouring. 

What do you need? 

You will need a few things before you can start pouring. Acrylic paints, canvas, glue, water, mixing cups, mixing sticks, blocks, gloves, plastic sheets to cover your workspace, and an apron to protect your clothes.  

Choosing Colors According to Theme 

This is one of the essential steps most people tend to overlook. The selection of colors for acrylic pouring should contrast each other to create a beautiful art piece. Working with colors that are monochromatic or blend together well might not create a dynamic effect.  

If you are preparing the art piece to feature in a specific room, you might want to choose colors that go well with the theme of the room. 

Start Working in Three Steps 

Once you collect the essentials, you can start acrylic paint pouring.  

Prepare the Surface 

Prepare the surface properly before you start painting. Protect your work surface by covering it with a plastic sheet. Check to make sure that there are no dust particles on the painting surface to ensure a smooth craft. Choose a surface that has some texture to it top help the paint grip better. 

Mix Paints and Colors 

The next step is to prepare a mixture of colors and pouring medium. How much should be the quantity of pouring medium and the color? Well, the quantity varies from paint to paint. A good guide is to use one part paint to one part water and one and a half parts of glue (1:1:1.5). Pour in the glue first and mix thoroughly before adding water slowly. Your mixture should have the texture of melted ice cream. Add more glue if the mixture is too thin, and if it is too thick, add more water to thin it out.  

To layer the colors, pour a small amount of each color into an empty cup by dripping it from the side of the cup. Do not mix the colors to ensure the layered effect.  

Pour it and let it dry 

Now, you have prepared the surface and layered the colors. The next step is to pour the colors onto the canvas or the surface. There are two ways to pour colors on the canvas. One is termed traditional pouring and the other is termed dirty pouring. Normally, we tend to follow traditional pouring. 

Hold your canvas with one and begin pouring. Once the paint is on the canvas, you can hold the canvas and tilt it gently as per your pattern. 

Once the pouring is done and your design has been completed, then you can let the painting dry. Leave it to dry for at least 24 hours. More time is required if your mixture was poured on thick. 

If you want to learn the art of acrylic pouring, then you can contact Epic Workshops. We conduct workshops to guide you in the art of acrylic pouring. 

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