Ways to ‘UP’ Your Team Building Game in Singapore

Ways to ‘UP’ Your Team Building Game in Singapore
Ways to ‘UP’ Your Team Building Game in Singapore

In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to take your team building game Singapore to the next level, despite securing a team building workshop with us. Make this team building experience one you’ll never forget and let’s have an EPIC good time. Let’s get started!

  1. Coordinate your Wardrobe with your Team Members

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | April, 2024

Within an organization, there could be little pockets of teams, such as the marketing team, logistics team, etc. For an added team building experience, how about coordinating your wardrobe with your team members? For a start, participants can start colour coordinating amongst themselves, or have a unique accessory that adds on to their team identity.

2. Create your Team Name & Team Cheer

| Epic Workshops, Singapore | April, 2024

Nothing screams team work more than a team cheer to up your team building game Singapore. Reciting team cheers not only encourage team building, but there is an added competitive factor to make this team building workshop an interesting one! For a start, you can create a team name and decide on a team cheer when you’re on the way preparing for our workshops either at your venue or our very own studio.

3. Develop Familiarity with your Teammates

team building game singapore

Ensure everyone is working within the same mindset and goal as you are! Get to know your team mates if you haven’t done so already and be familiar with them. For a start, participants can do their own internal ice breakers games to avoid awkwardness during the workshop for an added team building game Singapore.

For more enquiries on our team building workshop or quotations of our team building workshops in Singapore drop us any enquiries at [email protected]! We’ll be in touch.

Related Tags: Team Building Workshops Singapore, Singapore Team Building, Team Bonding in Singapore, Singapore Workshops, Craft Workshops in Singapore, Team Building game singapore

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